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Friday, 13 November 2015


Manna-Fest is a weekly Television Program of Perry Stone on TBN and Daystar  that deals with  prophetic and practical insight of the Word of God.

Perry Stone's Biblical Prophecy teachings , Manna-Fest  is a resource to help you better understand where we are now in light of Bible Prophecy and what the Bible says about the future

He is an author, prophet and evangelist known for understanding Israel and bible prophecy.

Just recently for the first time I was watching his programe on Family T.v Kenya subsidiary of TBN ,was awesome  really.

And He was talking of the visions He had all since in his life time as follows,

1996-- While resting his head on a Bible, Perry has a vision that shows an attack on the World TradeCenter.

1998-- Perry is asleep and hears a voice that says George W. Bush will be the next U.S. president. "It says, 'It's my will for the governor of Texas to be president,'" Stone said.
"And I didn't even know who the governor of Texas was.

"Nov. 3, 2000 -- Perry is praying when he hears the Lord say, "He will win by one." After the election Perry realizes what it means: "What happened with the win byone was -- let me get this right -- one Supreme Court justice tilted toward Bush, one state, Florida, and he won [a majority]  by one electoral vote," he  said. "The number one was all over it."

April 2011, a week before Osama Bin Laden's death -- While half-asleep, Perry hears a conversation that predicts Bin Laden's death. "I heard what sounded like walkie-talkie static," he said.
"Then, 'We have the target. Bin Laden is dead.'And it said, 'Verify with DNA, verify.' I heard this conversation as loud as we're talking right now."

Source: Perry Stone

He also talked of the Iran nuclear deal and the coming apoalyptic destructions that will rise from the middle east.

You can catch up more on

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