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Saturday, 21 November 2015


Revelation 1:7  ""Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, and they also who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen."

Jesus is coming for His bride.He is coming for the one He is going to marry.
This speaks to us of great intimacy.
Songs of Solomon 1:14 says "The King has brought me into His chambers. "But what chamber" is this?
Is it His office? Could it be His throne room? No its the bed chamber.
This figure of speech speaks to us of unparalleled  intimacy. Its using human language to describe our future spiritual union with Christ.
There will be no secrets there,nothing hidden or covered.
Theres a prophetic chapter about the future marriage in Gen 2:25, the marriage of Adam and Eve. The Bible says that "they were both naked and were not ashamed.
This reffers to just the subject at hand..It speaks of being completely without covering, and that is what  everything is totally open, exposed and in the light.
Yet in this nakedness they were not ashamed. Because there was nothing to hide.
Yet when they entered into sin, this great comfortableness with openess and transparency vanished. Because of their sin, they suddenly  then felt an urge to be covered and to hide.

What about you?
Will you be comfortable with such intimancy with God when He comes?
Will you be happy to learn that He knows everything about you- all your actions,attitudes and words? Are you living today in this real kind of transparency and intimacy with Him? Have you confessed all? Have you brought everything into light for Him to examine and judge?
Are you daily living in this kind of spiritual nakedness with Him?
If not then you will ashamed at His coming 1 John 2:8.
You will be embarassed and want to hide.
You will be exceedingly afraid to meet Him, knowing that all  will be exposed.

Many Christians are insisting that they are waiting anxiously for the day when Jesus comes. They shout,they sing and they pray for His appearing.
But when the sky opens and He begins to appear, many of these same people will begin to look for a place to hide themselves . They will sudenly realise their true inward condition.
Their sin,which they have been hiding from themselves and others, will quickly become obvious.
Any playing at church " or pretending to be in a better spiritual state than they really are will stand out starkly in the light of His countenance.
Isaiah 33:14 says ..."The sinners in zion are afraid, fearfulness has seized the hypochrites".These will be the ones who will be seeking a placf to hide themselves.

There will no piles of gold or silver waiting in the New Jerusalem for us to spend. There will be no need for money. There will be no stores in which to spend and no products to buy.
There will be no one who has necessity or anyone who is striving to have more than another.
Infact we will have no needs whatsoever, God Himself will be all we want or care to have.
There no one will need or want entertainment,past times or sensual pleasure.Any such diversion would simply be a distraction from the wonderful presence of God.

Jesus will be the most pleasurable experience anyone could ever imagine.
Surely in His presence, theres fullness of joy and at right His hand are pleasures forever more Psalms 16:11.

The things and enjoyments of this earth, to which we so desperately cling, will nothing to us and evd today are nothing in comparison to what God has to give.

Its our privilege today to have a forestate or a little sample of these spiritual realities.
Here and now we can abandon our apetite for earthly, sensual pleasure and learn how to enjoy God Himself.

This enjoyment is not something different from what we will know in the future, but just a very limited sample of the reall thing.

{Adapted from: Glory to Glory ; The Salvation of The Soul by David W Dyer}
A Grain of Wheat Ministries.

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