Recently I came across a strange message from The Manmin Holliness Church by Dr.Jaerock Lee, that I feel I need to share with you,.........The best gift God the Creator prepared for His beloved children is the eternal Heaven. If you achieve the heart that is clear and beautiful like crystal and resemble God, you will be served by angels and you can do everything you want in the eternal Heaven. You will feel happy because even plants and animals love and serve God's children.I hope you will be children who please Godand enjoy the most glorious life in Heaven.HEAVENLY PLANTS GIVE OUT SPECIAL FRAGRANCE AND GREET WHEN GOD'S CHILDREN COME CLOSE In Heaven, just like on this earth, there are so many kinds of plants. Plants on this earth absorb water and nutrients through their roots, and they grow up, blossom with the flower, produce nourishment through photosynthesis in their leaves and bear seed and fruit. But the plants in Heaven do not need any operation like these to live. They just live forever with the life given by God.Even with the passage of time, their leaves do not wither, and neither their flowers nor fruit falls. If we pick any of their fruits another fruit will regenerate immediately on that spot so the tree will always have its fruit. It's the same with flowers. If you take one flower, another flower will bloom immediately in its place.Also, even the flower that is picked will not wither, but it will remain as fresh as when it was first picked. Even the flowers separated from its root will not change butcan keep their unique colors and shapes. They have refreshing, sweet, elegant and mild fragrance.No matter how much scent is given out, the scent never runs out, and the concentration of the scent is also controlled automatically. As necessary, the scent goes out far, or at other times, it is only mild and soft. Just by smelling it once, your whole body will be energized.When the owner approaches the flower, the flower may close the blossom to a bud for a moment and then open it wide and give out the scent to welcome the owner. Itreceives the owner as if it were saying,"Master, welcome! I am so happy that you came to me!"When angels praise God lifting their hands, the flowers also move to the rhythm, and give out their scent sometimes strongly, or sometimes lightly. Also, if the owner wants to see a scene of petals being blown by the wind, the flowers can let their petals drift by themselves to please the heart of their owner.But the fact is that in each heavenly dwelling place, the scent and meaning embedded in the plants are different. For example, in case of roses, the roses in Paradise are just one of the many flowers. But if there are roses in a house in New Jerusalem, this is not just one of the many flowers, but in the scent of the rose will be embedded the heart of the owner. So, when a guest visits this house, the rose will give out its scent to the guest, which is a way to express the heart of the owner.Also, not all the plants that are in New Jerusalem are present in other dwelling places, too. Going from New Jerusalem to Paradise, the number of kinds of plants decreases, and even for the same kind of plant, people have less authority to make use of it. Also, the quality of the same kind of plants is different in different dwelling places. For example, there is the lawn and grass-covered plain in both Paradise and New Jerusalem, but the comfort that the lawns provide and their colors are different.02 Heavenly animals are glad to see God's childrenThe animals in Heaven are a little bigger than animals of this earth. Above all, they are of mild and obedient characters. Also, the fur of animals and feathers of birds give out wondrous lights. Their smell is mild and aromatic. Also, even lions are very gentle. They have a golden and especially bright mane. Fish also have fins and scales with beautiful colors, and there are some fish that change their colors from time to time.When these animals in Heaven see God's children, they jump with gladness. Those animals in New Jerusalem that are raised inindividual houses will listen and respond totheir owner very well. They will also read their owner's mind and try to please them completely. It's not that animals in Heaven have souls to think and judge, and move, but they only do their duty in the spiritual space. Just as angels are made as spiritual beings to move according to God's command, the animals in Heaven are also spiritual beings existing and moving according to their duty.There are countless kinds of animals and fish in Heaven. There are many kinds that are not present on this earth, too. On the other hand, there are also some kinds that are here on this earth but are non-existent in Heaven. These are the animals that God considers 'abominable' and 'unclean'.In Leviticus chapter 11, we can see in detailwhat kinds of animals, birds, fish, and insects are deemed abominable in the sightof God. The abominable animals are the animals that have the images of the cherubim that became corrupted and stood against God. In Revelation 12:9, we can see the expression 'The great dragon and his angels'. They were the ones who stood with Lucifer when Lucifer rebelled against God. 'The dragon's angels' here refers to some of the cherubim that belonged to the dragon. Unlike angels havethe form of human beings, cherubim are spiritual beings that have the forms of animals.These angels of the dragons were also cherubim that had beautiful forms, but once they rebelled against God and became corrupted, their forms also changed into forms of ugly animals. Those animals that God declared to be 'detestable' are the ones that look like these corrupted cherubim.Next, 'unclean' animals are some of the animals that had bad characters and characteristics at the time when all animalswere created from the dust of the ground. For example, some animals have crafty natures, some others have violent natures, and still others have greedy natures. Some of the animals mentioned in the Bible are camels, rabbits, pigs, rats, weasels, and lizards.
Adapted from Manmin Holiness Church Website
On 15 Oct 2015 07:23, "jestymore Simon" wrote:
Acts 9: The Holy Spirit Will Change Our Attitude
Today’s Key Scripture “Then Ananias answered, ‘Lord, I have heard from many
about this man, how much harm he has done to Your saints in Jerusalem. And
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