very very important for you and i to know that
we are on the battle for our tomorrow. Anything that we do, will
determine on whether we win or we lose.
The seasons we are living is an emergency
period.Its in the race ,marathon where if you
look back you loose your track and focus.Same as it is when catching up
with the bus in a rush during a rush hour time whether you are headin to work
or you are going somewhere important.
Now, you realise that, before heading for
somewhere whether heading for job or heading for work you need to prepare
earlier . The preparation for heading somewhere can take hours others can take
days so as to catch up on time on that day.
Sometimes ,i think sometimes you come across,
that you are about to board the vehicle for the journey , thats when you
remember you’ve forghoten something behind, it can be ; your phone, tooth paste
or some clothes. Some go back and miss the journey, others never mind at all
and continue.
Thats exactly in this journey for going to our
destyiny. In this struggle , satan tries to insert ways and schemes to bring us
back. Whenever we run in this marathon, he is there to make us look back at
some no importance issues that will make us lose the marathon. There are so
many things that satan will infect us that will make us part with GOD because
he knows what lies ahead. 2 Timothy
4;7-8....’’i have fought the good fight , I finished the RACE, I have kept the
faith. Finally , there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness , which the
Lord, the righteous judge , will give me on that day ,and not to me only but
also to all who have loved HIS appearing.
The people that will survive in generation are
those who are strong in the spirit and focused.But sadly many people have
forgotten who satan really is, they fail to remember that satan is still strong
and has powers.The flesh is not dead.
At one time , he went to the forest and caught three hundred foxes , took
firebrands and turned tail to tail,and put a firebrand in the midst between the
two tails . And he le the foxes into the standing corns of the Philistines and
burnt all the corns, stocks, wheat and the vineyards. Judges 15;21. He also
slew a thousand Philistines with a donkey jaw bone in a row.At last he bow all
his strength on the Philistines house and slew more men that what he had slew
in his life. Judges 16;29-...................
But despite all these achievements and mighthy
deeds, he still fell on satans trap ‘’DELILAH’’ through some seduction
. To me i
can say its lust and pleasures of a woman that trapped him and made him fail.
Thats exactly possible for a standing evangelists or a strong minister to lose
because because of a woman.Samson lost his place because of a woman, he lost
his mission for the Lord because of a woman and he got finished at last.
The psalmist who loved the Lord so much, he
desired the devotion for the Lord in all the days of his life. He loved to
dwell in the presence of God and stay in HIS
temple ...Psalms 84;10...for a day
in your temple is better than a thousand days else where, i’d rather be gate
keeper in your temple than dwell in the house of the wicked..
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